Wolf attack in Madoc leads to missing dog and public warning
MADOC – A family dog is missing in Madoc after Central Hastings OPP received a report of a wolf attack on Jan. 6.
The incident reportedly occurred on Nelson Street, just north of the village’s downtown.
Witnesses saw the dog being dragged away with the wolf, police say.
Police are cautioning Madoc residents to be aware when letting their family pets outside unattended.
In a media release, police warned the public regarding wolf behaviour:
- Wolves are generally shy of human contact, although human-wolf contact can occur through the predation of livestock or pets. It is largely avoidable using standard precautions.
- Do not intentionally or unintentionally feed wolves (or other wildlife) as it attracts them to your property, makes them less fearful of humans and makes them accustomed to food provided by humans.
- Properly store and maintain garbage containers. Put garbage at curbside the morning of the scheduled pickup rather than the night before.
- Use enclosed composting bins rather than exposed piles as wolves are attracted to products containing meat, milk, and eggs.
- Remove any deer food and salt blocks from outdoor areas on your property.
- Keep pet food indoors.
- Well-lit yards or the use of motion sensor lighting may make your property less attractive to wolves and other nocturnal wildlife.