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Belleville Public Library offers much more than books – think trombone

An assortment of pamphlets that the library has to offer

A sign displaying the musical instrument partnership between the Belleville Public Library and Stirling M.I.L.L. Many other supports and services also have their information available at the front desk.

By Trevor Knapaysweet [1]

As part of Canadian Library Month, the Belleville Public Library is promoting some of the more interesting services, like all the instruments and equipment to start your own band. 

Canadian Library Month builds awareness of the many roles and services that libraries provide.  The building is host to a multitude of services available at a low-to-free cost. These services are available to anyone with a library card, which is free to obtain.

Amongst the many resources offered, Quinte Conservation passes are available. 

Trevor Pross, chief executive officer of Belleville Public Library, said people can get passes for conversation areas are available. It is as easy as taking out a book, he said. 

Another resource is the cognitive activity boxes, which are resources for anyone who has Alzheimer’s Disease or Dementia, he said.

The library also has access to the Stirling Musical Instrument Lending Library. Through this partnership, musical instruments are available to be rented out. People can sign up online to borrow an instrument for up to six weeks through the Belleville branch.

Public access to the Internet is a major feature of the library Pross hopes to expand.

The library will eventually have access to mobile Internet hotspots that people will be able to take home, he said.

These are a few examples of the diverse resources the library provides, he said.

“There’s also Ontario Public Library Week right after Thanksgiving,” said Pross. “Between those two, we have lots going on.”

Pross says the library has many events planned for the month. One of the library’s biggest events is the 50th anniversary of the John M. Parrot Art Gallery, which is located on the second floor of the library. The commemoration is to be held on Oct. 28.