Tyendinaga canteen gets a facelift
By: Sarah Armour
Tyendinaga’s recreation complex is looking to give its 20-year-old canteen a makeover.
The present complex is located on the corner of McFarlane and Melrose roads. It’s home to a 200-seat capacity multi purpose building, four soccer pitches, a softball field, a hardball field, two beach volleyball courts, and a children’s playground.
The canteen itself consists of a small servery, two bathrooms and a utility closet. After years of use the building is rundown and outdated said Steve Mercer, clerk of Tyendinaga Township.
The Township is proposing to tear down the current canteen, and rebuild a brand new building. They are looking into a partnership with Trenval Business development cooperation for a 50/50 split on the cost of the new building, which they are estimating will cost between $90,000-$100,000.
Mercer said they hope to finalize the plans for the new building as of February, and begin building next fall.
The recreation complex is open seasonally for the summer months and hosts different sports such as soccer and volleyball but Mercer says it is baseball that is mainly played at the complex.
“We can’t begin any construction until the season is done,” said Mercer.
A pattern of infrastructure within the town has been noticed, but is the outcome of time and wear and tear says recreation coordinator of Tyendinaga Township, Mandi Buma.
“Every few years roads and buildings need to be updated as technology changes and things become warn and aged,” said Buma.
She says the canteen is just the next project on the list.