Explosive left at Quinte West police station
BELLEVILLE – An explosive device was left at the Quinte West detachment of the OPP on Tuesday evening.
Police say that at about 5:30 p.m. the unexploded device was dropped off by an unidentified man. The OPP’s Explosive Disposal Unit was called to investigate and the device was identified as military equipment. The explosive ordinance disposal team from Canadian Forces Base Trenton determined there was no risk to the public, but took the device for destruction.
The parking lot at the detachment was closed for three hours to ensure the public’s safety.
No one was available at the detachment on Wednesday to provide further details.
Police say that if you come across a undetonated explosive you should:
- Not touch it. This includes making any attempt to move the item to a location you think is safe.
- If it is outside, you should mark the area where it is located so it can be found easily.
- Inform the police that a possible ammunition item has been found. Police will ensure the device is disposed of safely.