Continued concerns about hydro prices despite government rebate
BELLEVILLE– Libby Keenan’s Facebook post about her struggles to pay her hydro bills, landed her a meeting with Premier Kathleen Wynne yesterday.
And after that meeting, the premier promised more action on hydro prices.
Keenan wrote on Facebook that “my heating and hydro costs are much higher cost per month than my mortgage was. The very minute I feel I may be ever so slightly gaining ground you slap on another tax, fee, toll, charge, requirement or expense!”
Already, Ontario residents rung in the new year with a provincial tax rebate aimed at providing some relief to hydro bills. Wynne announced in the fall that province with give back 8 per cent of their share of the HST on those bills.
QNet News is talking to small business owners in the community about electricity prices and whether any of the recent government action will make a difference.
More to come.