Tehatinonnyahkaw (Dancing)


The Facts:

* can spiritual; form of prayer

* way of expressing joy or grief

* centered around the drum (the drum is key to the dancing)

* most dances are done by men alone OR women alone

* many dances are done in a circle




Vic Tobabandung is Ojibwe, from the Wasauksing First Nation. He does traditional First Nations dancing at Pow Wow's and is a Fancy Cellar Dancer . Even though he's not a Mohawk, in the following interview he provides insight on the importance and the place of dancing the Native culture.


1. Could you tell me a little history behind the dancing?


2. Is there a lack of youth involvement?


3. Do you think there's a threat to the dismissal of this tradition?


4. Why is this tradition important to the culture?


This is Storm, he's a Tyendinaga resident. He shares the story behind the Women's Traditional Dance.