The Belleville Memorial Arena: Past, Present & Future

Memorial Arena Future

The Memorial Arena Subcommittee has been put in charge of managing the fate of one of Belleville's oldest landmarks. Don't let them make a decision without your input. Below is a list of subcommittee members and staff. Click on their names to email your ideas to them directly. Then, scroll down to join a conversation about the arena.

Mark Fluhrer (left), Neil Ellis (centre) and Krista Keller (right) discuss the future of the Memorial Arena at a public subcommittee meeting Dec 2, 2011. Photo by Renée Rodgers.


The Memorial Arena Subcommittee is:

Neil Ellis, Mayor and Subcommittee Chair

Jodie Jenkins, Belleville City Council

Jack Miller, Belleville City Council


Subcommittee Support Staff:

Mark Fluhrer, Director of Recreation, Culture & Community Services

Krista Keller, Project Coordinator

Rick Kester, Interim CAO

Peter Lyng, Facilities Manager

Mark Wilson, Manager of Recreation Services




Got in idea for future development of the Memorial?

Join Memorial Arena on Google Groups to share your thoughts.


Google Groups
Belleville Memorial Arena


Renée Rodgers | December, 2011